Balkan Joke – And the Moon Goes to …?

Balkan Joke – And the Moon Goes to …?


Four astronauts land on the moon. An American, a German and two Serbs.

The American jumps out and plants a flag on the surface exclaiming that US derring-do and money made their mission possible so the moon will belong to America.

The German pulled out the flag and stuck in a flag from his country proclaiming that it was German scientific knowledge and technological precision that made the landing possible, so the moon was Germany’s.

One of the Serbs reached into his pocket and pulled out not a flag but a gun and he shot the other Serb. Then he proclaimed: “Serbian blood has been spilled here, so the moon will be Serbian now forever.”

(explanatory note for Mom: In the 14th century Serbs died in a battle in Kosovo and now Serbs still claim ownership of that province even though it’s like 98 percent Albanian.)


Photo Credit: kov-A-c via Compfight cc


I'm a motivation explorer, personality type hacker, behavioral investigator and storyteller. I help startup founders, entrepreneurs, and corporate managers to understand themselves, the people they manage and how to get the best of their people. Specialty is in psychological personality types and brain-based methods. When I don't do the above, I hop around planet Earth with to learn the Art and Science of people from everywhere and to give you all the free travel and tips and advice in many cool destinations.

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11 thoughts on “Balkan Joke – And the Moon Goes to …?

LuisPosted on  1:26 am - Apr 30, 2010

Kosovo is serbia because of several reasons that I can summarize in two words: legality and legitimacy. Of course violence is totally reprehensible and I think if there is a hell, in the same room will burn the serbian assasin and the rapist albanian.

Saludos desde la Ciudad de México.

P.S. Slimshady, don’t worry about California, Texas, Nuevo Mexico, etc, the stolen territory.

SerbPosted on  2:11 pm - Apr 1, 2010

Thankyou Mexico!
Truth is truth and Kosovo will forever be Serbian.
Albanians lie about their own origin and who they are, let alone of whos is Kosovo.
Albanians came from Old Albania near Armenia as mercenaries, yet they try to lie they are Illyrian.
Their true name is Squip and their country Squiperia.
They have absolutely nothing to do with Illyrians.

GonzaloPosted on  7:55 am - Sep 2, 2009




but… i think kosovo is serbia!

Greetings from mexico..!

unesekamqefshkjahPosted on  11:17 pm - Jul 1, 2008

14th century Serbs died in a battle in Kosovo and now Serbs still claim
ownership of that province even though it’s like 98 percent Albanian.??

So what if they died in Kosova? They shouldnt have been there in the first place! And just because serbians died in Kosova doesnt mean its theirs. What about all of the Kosovar that died?? They deserve what they rightfully deserve which is their independence.Dont you serbians understand, we dont want to be a part of you!! i dont think anybody does!!

SbPosted on  2:41 pm - Mar 26, 2008

above slimshady hides all true facts, when Kosovo was minority in witch case never was true because serbs just had ethnically cleansed Kosova of its Native Aalbanian inhabitance for several times over. Hence the registration of Albanian population was not don truly for telling actual numbers. but rather to hide true percentage by serbs and such team of registration made by serbs had main objective task to locate where are the Albanians hiding so they can pin point and send their gunmen to kill them all including old and children, as was the “register” counting down on them on the other book how many have left from the true approximate numbers had in secret! Serb leaders never told the honest truth to their country man about, with reason for them being in lie would secure an fouls army of people to back their evil objectives!
What slimshady said above is untrue and distorted for his own delusional benefit, and I can put down everything that what he sad is bullshit and that he has never lived in Kosova let along know anything about 50years ago in Kosova! he talks what radio tape has read for him while he was asleep.

slimshadyPosted on  4:48 pm - Feb 15, 2008

It is interesting to note that Albanian Muslim population in Kosovo was a minority, not even 50 years ago. Under Tito’s reign, they got free schooling and free medical, as the rest of the country and had a fairly good social welfare system that they gladly abused.

Albanians in Kosovo (large number of them ilegally immigrated and came over the mountains from Albania which was the poorest country in Europe in search of better life to then Yugoslavia and settled in Kosovo) started “demographic explosion” by having 8-10 children per family that all went to study “Albanian Studies and Albanian History” at University of Prishtina, which was at the level of average high school educational institution. “Armed” with all these degrees they started getting governement jobs and having privileges in setting shops at prime locations, given that minorities under the socialist regime of Tito had privileges over the majority. Fifty years forward they are the majority in a tiny province which is the size of 1/66 of Texas. Let’s imagine that all those Mexican immigrants to Texas, California and Arizona start asking for the independance from the USA? What would the USA and Americans do in that case?

voislavPosted on  4:46 pm - Feb 15, 2008

Actually the original joke goes very differently:

Americans and Russians land on the Mars at the same time and get into the fight over who claims the planet. Finally they decide to ask Slobodan Milosevic, as someone who had much experience in dividing up the lands to intercede. So Milosevic says, allright, I’ll help you but you have to let my borders expert Vojislav Seselj and me go to Mars and survey the situation in person. So off they go, they walk looking around. After a while they come back to the spaceship where Russian and American representative are waiting for their decision. As Milosevic starts to talk Seselj pulls a gun, shoots him, buries him and delivers the verdict: “Where there are Serbian graves, those are Serbian lands”, and claim the Mars.

For those who are not familiar, Vojislav Seselj is currenty on trial in front of the International War Crimes Tribunal in Hague, while his second-in-commmand Tomislav Nikolic (aka Toma the Gravedigger, because he had a short stint as a gravedigger before becoming an MP) came within 1% of becoming the president of Serbia in the most recent election.

Global Voices Online » Kosovo: Towards Independence?Posted on  12:28 am - Feb 15, 2008

[…] finish this roundup with a touch of humor, Bosnia Blog posted a typical Balkan joke with Serbian protagonists, Belgrade blogger Anegdote recently published a poster that was part of a campaign by Serbia to […]

WalterPosted on  8:26 pm - Jan 13, 2008

Nice joke! Nicer than reality.
I agree with you about Kosovo situation.

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