
Ideally, I want to have one short tale for each country by the time I finish this project. However, this is difficult because writing a very short, condense story is completely different than freely string together a bunch of run-on sentences of my consciousness which you will find under “Europe” section.

I like the Chicken-soup series started by Jack Canfield. In away, these stories can be considered “On the road chicken soup for the travelers….” Feel free to suggest titles.

“Chicken-soup” in the mean time is a borrowed term as it is the nicest compared to other typical European dishes like goulash, beef-stew, potato dumpling or sausages. These food makes you sick rather than make you well like chicken-soup.


The Menu

By the chimney (a story from Poland)
The girl who can not speak properly ( a story from Bosnia)
The pointy, lovely pumps ( a story from Belarus)



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