Category Archive: Musing

How Many Europeans Does It Take to Fix a Light Bulb?



Take it lightly; the jokes doesn’t mean to be culturally offensive.

Belgium: 14
1 Fleming + 1 Walloon to fix it. 1 interpreter to translate between Dutch and French. 10 to debate which language will be the printed in the manual guide. The King to intervene.

Stereotypes Around the World

world stereotypes


[via Guy Kawasaki tweet]

33 ways to be creative



Go to Europe, South America, China, Go Anywhere

Pauline Frommer, daughter of Frommer guidebook founder, shares her thoughts on why we should travel. This is by far the best piece of news I’ve read all week as she addresses the topics I’ve had on my mind for quite some time.

While the article targets American audience, it has the same value to everyone else.

You said in an interview last year that you and your father believe we wouldn’t be electing the leaders we do if we were a better-traveled people. Would you expand on that?

I think if we were a better-traveled people we would have more faith in diplomacy. We would realize that people all around the world have the same fundamental needs and issues.

Happiness Project – A homework exercise

Traveling is responsible for a large chunk of my happiness, that’s why I post this exercise I did for a workshop I am currently attending.


Shakespeare: “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Or, as Buddha said, “Our life is the creation of our mind.” These I [my teacher] pulled off the Happiness Project and some other places; take some time and answer the questions as honestly as you can and bring the answers with you.

Questions & Answers


I will slowly add more country pages under the “Europe” on the menu bar.

At the moment, I don’t plan to blog often. I’m focusing on adding static content and no time to blog regularly.

Stay tune!



Balkan Joke – What Being Thrown off the Boat?


Frenchman, a Cuban, a Bosnian and an American are stranded in a lifeboat fighting to survive after their ship has gone down. They are trying to show bravado in the middle of a bad situation.

The Frenchman pops open a bottle of French wine he’s saved from their sinking sink, takes a few sips and throws the bottle into the sea. “In Paris when we arrive, we’ll find many more!” he says.

Balkan Joke – And the Moon Goes to …?


Four astronauts land on the moon. An American, a German and two Serbs.

The American jumps out and plants a flag on the surface exclaiming that US derring-do and money made their mission possible so the moon will belong to America.

The German pulled out the flag and stuck in a flag from his country proclaiming that it was German scientific knowledge and technological precision that made the landing possible, so the moon was Germany’s.

Serbo-Croatian Language – A Brief Course on Dialects

Under no circumstance that I want to insult your sense of living. I encourage you to get a life. Sniffing through a long post about language is not a recommended weekend’s pastime. However, this article presents many interesting facts about the language. Hard but good to read.

One characteristic word you’ll hear among Serbs where I come from, even from Serbs who don’t speak their parents’/grandparents’ dialect but rather a more standard language, is “?e” (pronounced like the “je” in Jerry) in place of “gdje” (if you Anglophones can manage it!, with “g” as in goat, “d” as in date, pronounced together in that order in front of the “ye” in yes), meaning where.

Club Bill Gates in Sarajevo

Life in Bosnia: When Bill Gates Is in Sarajevo (Jokes)

Club Bill Gates in Sarajevo

I passed this club almost every single day as it located right in the center of Sarajevo. Let’s see what people say about him.


Is that on the menu?